Stunning footage shows Killer Whales off Newport Beach

December 29, 2023 by No Comments

This week, footage went viral on social media, showing a score of Orcas filmed off Newport Beach. While killer whales have often frequented this spot, the only realistic likelihood of seeing them up close and personal is by taking a tour which is what happened here. This is because they are typically too far out to be seen from the actual beach and let’s face it, you wouldn’t want to meet them while swimming in the water.

Despite this, part of the footage did show brave tourists dipping their hands in the water to try and touch the orcas. This probably isn’t the smartest idea considering the reputation of these fearsome dolphins who are known to attack humans in the wild.

Nonetheless, it was still a special sight that documented four orcas swimming in unison. Here, they sporadically dipped in and out of the water and came very close to the boat and its passengers.

These particular killer whales are part of the Eastern Tropical Pacific pod and have been spotted up and down the California coast, with repeated visits to the waters off Newport Beach. Although they are not always located here, they are typically more commonly sighted around this time of year in the Orange County area.

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