CTDOT Performs Rail Crash Drill – Urges Public Not To Worry Or Panic

December 2, 2023 by No Comments

CTDOT will be simulating a rail crash between midday and 2 pm in order to practice emergency responses to rail disasters. As a result, residents should not be alarmed, distressed, or worried if they hear noises that sound like a real crash.

The training session will take place at the CSO railyard located at 440 Windsor Street, regardless of weather conditions. This exercise is a response to recent freight incidents that have occurred throughout the United States and forms an integral part of the continuous safety training conducted by the CTDOT and its freight operators. Its purpose is to strengthen and refine the emergency response protocols of train crews, dispatchers, first responders, and other relevant personnel. Additionally, it aims to enhance the coordination and practical application of communication and incident management protocols within a real-world context.

CTDOT is organizing this safety training to ensure that rail staff and first responders in the state are well-prepared in the unlikely event of a similar incident. To avoid unnecessary public concern, this information is being shared in advance, as the training will simulate a real-life scenario.

This drill complements the extensive and ongoing training provided to all participants. Following the simulation, participants will convene to exchange their observations and discuss the insights gained from the exercise.

CTDOT kindly requests that the media and the general public refrain from attempting to be present at the training session. This is to ensure that first responders, volunteers, train personnel, and participants can fully concentrate on the training exercise.

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