Freaky cloud formation puzzles Hunstville locals

November 12, 2023 by No Comments

Yesterday, the skies above Huntsville displayed an extraordinary cloud formation, captivating onlookers with its unusual appearance. These clouds, intriguingly resembling ‘liquid’, were far from ordinary and could be considered quite rare.

Some observers even likened them to the surreal clouds depicted in the movie Donnie Darko, where a wormhole dramatically alters the sky’s shape. Others drew parallels to UFO phenomena. These clouds emerged amidst recent severe weather in Huntsville, characterized by heavy rain and strong winds.

This phenomenon was photographed and shared on Reddit. According to the photographer, it took place near Lowe Mill. Unsurprisingly, locals were shocked, puzzled, and amazed by these clouds which aren’t exactly normal.


For those interested in meteorology, these unique formations are known as Asperitas clouds, a rare type. They were officially named only in 2009, indicating how little is understood about them. Their formation is believed to be linked to the aftermath of thunderstorms, which fits the recent weather events in Huntsville.

The formation of Asperitas clouds is thought to involve the interaction between ascending warm air and descending cool air within storm systems, leading to these unusual cloud patterns. While it might be a while before these clouds reappear in Alabama, given their association with storms, their absence might not be entirely unwelcome.

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