Video highlights brazen shoplifters return to Party City after leaving car keys behind

November 7, 2023 by No Comments

While Halloween may have ended one week ago, a video has recently gone viral that shows that one particular retail store had some unwanted guests. Unfortunately for workers at the store, they weren’t ghosts either.

The footage was filmed in a Party City Albuquerque store which showed the commotion unfold. Here, two shoplifters had brazenly stolen Halloween outfits and made little effort to hide their intentions. However, the store had the last laugh as it turns out that during the robbery, they misplaced their car keys in the store.

To make matters worse, it turns out that this was a mother-and-daughter duo. As said, this pair had no shame. One user on Reddit reacted to the embarrassing situation and wrote: “That is just so disgusting and sad. Bring your child to steal and encourage shoplifting.”

As a result of their foolishness, the thieves were forced to return the stolen goods and made several trips to return various costumes. Here, a staff member refused to let them enter until the goods were returned. Showing little shame or remorse, the shoplifters even asked “Can I have my car keys back now?”

The video ended with the shoplifters being apprehended by the police in the car park. Despite this, one of them did a dance, so it looks as if they didn’t really fear the consequences.

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