Spencer Cox accused of virtue signaling after cancel culture comments

November 2, 2023 by No Comments

Utah Governor Spencer Cox was recently accused of virtue signaling on his Twitter account. This comes after he gave a speech regarding cancel culture. Here, he claimed the need for freedom of speech and the exchange of ideas.

Specifically, his tweet read: ‘Now more than ever it’s important our college campuses get back to the ideals of political debate, ending cancel culture and nurturing free-speech and idea exchange. Today we we’re excited to welcome a Tolerance Meets Dialogue event with @UUtahand @BYUCougarswhich is directly in line with our #DisagreeBetter initiative. Our young people are key to the success of depolarization work, and we appreciate the students who presented today.’

Responding to this, one user wrote: ‘When talking about cancel culture, calling out racism, homophobia and transphobia isn’t canceling people it’s holding them accountable. I get why this can be confusing when you don’t know how to hold your own party accountable and instead create fake initiatives.’

Similarly, a user named Marie Rodriguez added: ‘Ending cancel culture by marginalizing and restricting rights of LGBTQ community and banning books. Good job!’

Intriguingly, some even claimed Cox was pandering to the LGBTQ+ community and was accused of virtue signaling for using the rainbow flag. In this case, it looks as though Cox had critics from either side.


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