Depressing video shows dumped tubes at Tanner Park

October 29, 2023 by No Comments

A recent video circulated on social media which showed a huge amount of tubes dumped in Tanner Park. Over the years, Tanner Park has become a Salt Lake City hotspot with locals who use the river for tubing. While this is not a bad activity in isolation, leaving plastic tubes behind obviously has bad connotations as it can negatively affect the environment and local animals.

Perhaps the biggest issue with dumping tubes is that they can easily create a man-made dam in the area, restricting the water flow to nearby areas. This was highlighted in the video below which highlights countless tubes.

The tubing phenomenon first emerged a few years back, when an abandoned pipeline in Parley’s Canyon was used as it drains into Tanner Park. Locals have turned it into a waterslide, and it’s become a beloved summertime pastime in Salt Lake City.

Clearly, though, not everyone has great etiquette when using the creek. Sadly, some people seemingly just don’t care and have little care for the natural surroundings. Although dumping is technically a crime, due to the secluded nature of the park, park-goers can easily leave behind their belongings without recourse. For now at least, it looks like tubing season is over. Nonetheless, this highlights a nasty underbelly in Salt Lake City which shows that sometimes, some people just don’t care.

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