Lexington braced for possible invasion as Spotted Lantern Flies found in Kentucky

October 28, 2023 by No Comments

This week, Spotted Lanternflies officially reached Kentucky. These brightly-colored pests have been wreaking havoc on trees and crops in other states, and now they’ve got Kentucky in their sights. Experts are warning that these bugs can cause serious damage to vineyards, orchards, and other agricultural operations, especially if they lay their eggs on tree bark. The Kentucky Department of Agriculture is urging folks to be on the lookout for these critters and report any sightings to help contain the infestation.

Because of this, it is highly possible that these insects will find their way to Lexington at some point in the near future. The official response is not only to report these but also to try to kill them. This is provided that you don’t harm trees or plants in the process, and this usually involves spraying them with vinegar.


Spotted lantern flies (otherwise known as Lycorma delicatula) are an invasive species that are causing major havoc in the US, particularly in the Northeast and Midwest. They may look harmless but these pests can cause ecological destruction. They feed on trees and plants, particularly the tasty sap of fruit trees, which makes them bad news for agriculture.

They also secrete a sticky substance called honeydew that attracts other pests like ants and wasps, leading to further damage to plants and crops. To make matters worse, they are capable of laying up to 100 eggs at a time, which means they can quickly take over a neighborhood or farm. As a result, they are often feared by US farmers and local governments alike.

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