New Asheville Disc Golf course to open this week

October 24, 2023 by No Comments

The disc golf community in Asheville is getting a serious upgrade with the addition of a brand-new course at Aston Park. This 18-hole course boasts six goal baskets, each with three tee-off points, providing a dynamic playing experience for disc golfers of all skill levels. The course is set to open on October 26th, at 3:30 PM.

To celebrate the grand opening of the course, the South French Broad Neighborhood Association is hosting a festive event, complete with live music, a scavenger hunt, and prizes. The course was made possible thanks to a $5,000 Neighborhood Matching Grant from the City of Asheville, which supports local projects that enhance the overall quality of life for residents. It’s a win-win for disc golf enthusiasts and the community alike. The park is located at 300 Hilliard Avenue.

Disc golf is a sport that is similar to regular golf, but instead of hitting a ball into a hole, players throw a frisbee into a basket. The objective is to complete each hole in the fewest number of throws, just like traditional golf. The game is typically played on a course that has a variety of obstacles and challenges, like trees, hills, and water hazards, making for a unique and fun experience. In terms of casual fitness, disc golf is often recommended to older players who are looking for a fun hobby.

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