Martial Arts School suffers smashed window after callous attack

October 24, 2023 by No Comments

One of Seattle’s oldest martial arts schools was recently the victim of vandalism after suffering a smashed window. The Oom Yung Doe gym (located at Northgate Way) covered the broken glass with a sign after the incident had taken place.

The glass was believed to be broken during the night and may have been an attempt of robbery. For obvious reasons, it wouldn’t make much sense to attack a dojo in daylight with trained martial artists around.

Right now the incident has very little information surrounding it and the dojo’s social media accounts have yet to comment on the attack. Nonetheless, this still highlights criminal activity in the area and it now seems that even niche martial arts schools are no longer safe from mindless acts of criminality. The news was originally broke on Reddit which showed the image below. At this point in time, the culprit is still at large, however an investigation is underway.


Oom Yung Doe, is a Korean martial art sometimes likened to Kung Fu. This practice involves physical movements, self-defense techniques, meditation, philosophy, and even herbal remedies and weapons training. While students have reported a range of benefits, including improved self-defense skills, mental and physical health, and relief from conditions like asthma, diabetes, and arthritis, these claims have yet to be substantiated by scientific research.


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