Andy Beshear blasted over Kentucky job creation comments

October 14, 2023 by No Comments

Yesterday, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear took to his Twitter account to announce more jobs in the state. He described this as ‘worth celebrating’ and was photographed with a worker. While Beshear clearly seemed in the mood to celebrate, not everyone shared his sentiments. Responding on Twitter, certain constituents used this platform to air their grievances regarding the current job climate in Kentucky.

Specifically, Beshear’s tweet read: ‘Whether we’re announcing 8 new jobs or 5,000, I see every single one as a win worth celebrating. Each new job stands for a Kentuckian with more opportunity to better provide for their family. That’s always worth celebrating.’

Replying to his statement, one user named Mary Callaghan wrote: “We’re getting to the point where most of us need 2 or 3 of them to feed and house ourselves.” This highlighted the cost of living crisis in Kentucky which showed that for many Kentuckians, one job wasn’t enough.

Similarly, another user quipped: “How about a COLA for Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Retirees, are they Kentucky families that have to do without year after year? 14 years is too long and shameful for you and your legislators.”

Clearly, not everyone was happy with the governor. Interestingly, Beshear’s term ends next month and he is running for re-election. Based on the aforementioned comments, it will be interesting to see how he gets on.

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