Roy Cooper criticized after teacher pay comments

October 10, 2023 by No Comments

North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper recently got into hot water regarding his teacher pay comments. Yesterday, Cooper took to Twitter and wrote: ‘We must continue to fight for meaningful investments in teacher pay raises.’ This was accompanied by an ABC news article.

Despite his perceived optimism, it looks like many of his replies disagreed with him. Here, some questioned the validity of claims and whether he was truly committed to this cause. As ever with political statements, some viewed his thoughts with cynicism and were quick to give their own say on matters.

This prompted one user named Bruce M Williams to write: “It’s all lip service. It’s shameful that teachers haven’t been taken care of in NC for decades. Put your money where your mouth is! That’s why our teachers move to Texas.” Clearly, this Twitter user was not in agreement with their governor.

Another user commented: “Yeah, especially if they can connect the dots and say you did it for them, right? There’s only so much candy in the candy store.” Here, it looks as though they targeted Cooper for taking credit for things that weren’t of his creation. Overall, many other users made similar comments. In fairness to Cooper, there were a few replies that supported his claims but these were few and far between.

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