Super Overloaded truck sighted on San Antonio Freeway

October 2, 2023 by No Comments

At times, individuals tend to exceed the recommended load capacity of their trucks when moving goods or belongings from one location to another. However, in a photograph captured near a San Antonio Freeway, the depicted truck was astonishingly overloaded to the point where it appeared comically exaggerated and posed a significant safety risk.

In this instance, the truck seemed to be carrying a huge selection of various chairs. These items were precariously secured with the assistance of a pulley system, forming a towering stack that nearly doubled the truck’s height. In some respects, this spectacle was quite impressive, considering the sheer volume of items crammed into the vehicle.


Typically, these trucks are employed to transport people’s belongings when they are relocating to new residences. In an effort to maximize their earnings, individuals often attempt to fit as much as possible into the truck. This image was originally shared on Reddit where amazed users gave their say. Reflecting on a similar incident, a local resident from San Antonio commented, “All fun and games until that falls on the road and you hit it.”

In simple terms, if these perilous journeys continue to happen, it’s only a matter of time before a tragedy occurs. Given the precarious balancing act displayed in this instance, the unfortunate outcome might arrive sooner rather than later unless stricter regulations are enforced.

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