North Dakota revealed to have the most physically active children

September 22, 2023 by No Comments

A new study has just revealed that North Dakota has the most physically active children compared to all of the other US states. This was based on based on the percentage of aged 6-17 children who exercise, play a sport, or participate in physical activity for at least 60 minutes daily. Here, it turned out that almost 30% of North Dakota children partook in one of these activities, which meant its activity rate for kids was far beyond the norm.

In second place was Wyoming which was online slightly less active. At the other end of the spectrum was Nevada, where a mere 13.9% of kids were physically active. This was the worst-performing state in the country. The study was performed by astateofplay which looked at all the US states and compared them. An infographic from their study can be seen below which shows North Dakota crowned as number one.


Interestingly, more of the northern states performed better compared to the southern states whose kids typically did less exercise. One reason behind this could be based on culture. However, it could also be argued that the environment also allows kids to be more active in the northern states due to more open spaces and less urbanization.

Irrespective of the reasons why, this is only a good thing for North Dakota which literally leads the way in terms of physically active children.

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