Denison locals fury after city unveils bizarre new ‘Selfie girl’ statue

September 13, 2023 by No Comments

A few days ago, the city of Denison unveiled a new statue in the grand opening of The Four Lions Building. According to the Facebook post, this was not paid for by the city but was still highly criticized by locals who viewed it as obscure among other insulting words.

Unlike typical statues, this was far from normal and showed a woman taking a selfie with a cell phone. The statue was named ‘Selfie girl’ and the city has still not explained the reasoning behind choosing this as the statue compared to more traditional options.


The unveiling received over 70 comments on Facebook, with one user named Angela Marie writing: “Maybe it would help if there was some sort of explanation as to who or what she is and why it was commissioned. As is, with just a video and no context, it’s just weird. Not that the artist didn’t do a good job…but make it make sense.”

Elsewhere on Reddit, a user wrote: “Lmao Jesus Christ. That statue is so repulsive that it could become a destination to take selfies with ironically. I’m sorry your local government sucks. Unfortunately, that’s not a unique problem in this state.”

It should be known that many of the comments made on social media were not suitable to share without using profanity. Staggeringly, it is still not known why this statue design was picked over others and remains a mystery. Regardless of this, it is clear that the statue also did not go down with a lot of the public.


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