Anti-Semitic material distributed in Modesto neighborhood

September 12, 2023 by No Comments

Yesterday, a Modesto resident claimed that anti-Semitic literature had been distributed around Sherwood forest and Grecian. This was accompanied by images denouncing Judaism as well as conspiracy theories. The literature was found on the floor in a zip-lock bag with cat food in the bag. Although this may sound strange, there is a practical reason why this was done.

Here, distributors will use the cat food to weigh the bag down so it doesn’t blow away. As well, the bag stops the pamphlet from getting destroyed. Eventually, this means that a passerby will notice the bag and pick it up.


The pamphlet was photographed and uploaded to the Modesto section of Reddit. As expected, the literature and perpetrators were blasted by the Reddit users who strongly condemned their actions. Here, one user wrote: “Wow that’s wild! Cosplaying as Jehovah’s Witnesses to spread antisemitic conspiracy stuff is kinda of brilliant because most people hide from door-knocking JWs. Hope we find out who they are and expose their hateful nonsense!”

This comment was based on the allegation that the culprits purposely dressed as Jehovah’s Witnesses in disguise. However, if the public reaction is anything to go by then these leaflets were wasted anyway as they mostly received criticism and insults based on the aforementioned material.


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