Off Lease Only car rental service closes to the public

September 7, 2023 by No Comments

Yesterday, Florida car giant Off Lease Auto abruptly announced that they would no longer be dealing with the public. This announcement was made across their social media and gave little explanation as to why this decision had been made. Bizarrely, just one day before they also announced how they would be attending the Cars & Coffee event in Central Florida this Sunday which may no longer be going ahead.

Interestingly, this announcement did not claim that the company was closing its doors for good. However, it also makes you wonder how they would operate under these circumstances based on their business model. Here, they would buy and sell cars to the general public. This company had several locations dotted around Florida such as Orlando, Miami, and other places in the state.


Right now, there has been no explanation for this move however over the years they had some mixed reviews from Florida natives. Not only this but usually this sort of business model of flipping cars is quite solid compared to other businesses out there. It also means that lots of people may be made redundant as this business had quite a few members of staff.

Whether the public ever gets an explanation surrounding this move remains to be seen. Nonetheless, it looks as though a Flordia retail giant may have exited the game for good under shocking circumstances.


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