This Shreveport restaurant has been ‘Coming Soon’ for years – And locals want to know why

August 29, 2023 by No Comments

Usually, when a ‘coming soon’ sign is on a shop window, it means that it’s on its way within a few weeks or even months. In the case of this Thai restaurant, it has literally said ‘coming soon’ for almost three years now. Understandably, people are confused and Shreveport locals have been asking the same question: why?

As seen, this isn’t exactly a hole-in-the-wall type joint either and is a sizeable piece of real estate. This location is opposite the Rotolo’s pizzeria and has been a local mystery for a while now due to its strange status. Over the years, there have been quite a few restaurants that have come and gone in this retail area, so perhaps its vacancy isn’t too surprising.

Image//Google Maps

Unfortunately, after doing some investigating, it looks like there’s no information surrounding this restaurant, and although locals are still wondering, there are no concrete answers. Sadly, it looks as though the only people who know what’s going on with the status of the restaurant are the people who own it.

If speculating, you would assume that this restaurant was originally meant to become a Thai restaurant before the business pulled out. Since then, it has remained dormant and is owned by the building owner. Of course, this is speculation but is a possible explanation. Having said this, hopefully it gets filled sooner rather than later.

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